We at legalizeIndia believe in fostering research and educating citizens and government authorities in India about the safe use of psychedelics to bring natural remedies which now gloomy.
- in-order to protect human rights to safely access natural occurring plants under care and supervision
- To document personal opinions and life-introspection to educate through life finding through jiva philosophy.
- To help organisations to take liberal steps to eradicate criminalization of any natural plant material, mainly cannabis and shrooms not including extracts
- To conduct lawful research to Entheogenic meds on various conditions as Depression, Anxiety , Post stress and trauma disorder, Pain alleviating to bring facts to light due to the strict prohibitions we have already lost of a lot of time
- To collaborate with like-minded institutes for bring evidences and anecdotal reports it maybe objective but with number of records and statistical analysis can bring objectivity out.
- To revive the archaic methods of ancient worlds Indian culture
- To embrace light through truth and re-discovered facts
- To bring put established facts on our blog maybe personal thoughts, interviews, podcasts, E-zine.
- Entheogenic Research Society of India
What motivates us here at LegalizeIndia?
Many things motivate us, Main reason is the life for any being is intriguing phenomenon we believe such class of drugs can help many situations which will starting a growing movement for the legalisation or decrimilazation of cannabis and entheogens for personal and scientific usage, the main goal of which is to address many of the issues facing our country, such as the rising use of toxic drugs in Punjab and other states and to protect our fundamental rights to life and the environment.
Introducing fresh approaches and creative solutions in the fields of harm reduction and mental health.
all this won't be possible without you support legalizeindia a movement to librate nature, join us
Together we can preserve the forest, securing this immense treasure for the future of all these children.”— Chico Mendes
About this site
LegalizeIndia is an independent publication launched in June 2024 by Raunaq K and friends If you subscribe today, you'll get full access to the website as well as email newsletters about new content when it's available. Your subscription makes this site possible, and allows LegalizeIndia to continue to exist. Thank you!