If Indian goverment considers to allow cannabis possession and comsumpation on what terms would it be allowed ?
before we talk about anything else, lets see the hippie stoner scene before Prohibtion what was it like to use Ganja before enacting of 1985 NDPS act.
After hours of searching we meet a man, Sultaan singh 56 hails from punjab, spoke to us saying " Those college days" ah i miss them you making so nostalgic really, it was not so socailly acceptable but it was'nt also a problem to use it, I remeber we used to score weed for 10rs in 1970 from Subhash nagar in Captial of India. We rolled about 10 - 15 j with maal we bought.
Asking auto walas and pan bhandars who themselves pushed made it readily available.
All hippies traveling from Nepal stopped at Delhi, but few people are aware of this.
Singh claims that even though we were found using marijuana, there was no potential for penalty or jail time. Back then, police officers were laid-back and friendly.
With a group of friends, we traveled to Goa in 1982 for a vacation. We experienced cultural shock. We observed white foreigners selling Charas that they had purchased from Kathmandu-area shops.
It was a blessing in disguise says Singh.
Sadly, marijuana is now illegal, and being found in possession of this super herb can result in jail time.
I questioned him about why he called it a "super crop" rather than a "bad drug" or "gateway drug," and he responded that these were Singh's exact words.
He described it as being magical and effective in the treatment of all types of pain.
Let's examine the ideal solution in contemporary India.
Decriminalization can be a painkiller, if it happens, small amounts of a substance can be used for therapeutic and recreational purposes without fear of negative consequences. However, legalization, which is still up for debate with us at LegalizeIndia, would be preferable because it would address many of the country's pressing problems.